May break my bones

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Sunshine, Lollipops, and Celluloid Rainbows, baby!

Okay, January was a bit of a bitch. Snow, rain, general overcasty-ness... it kind of sucked.

But luckily, good times are on their way - two weeks of sun in the forecast (yeah, yeah, don't count your barometric pressure until it rises - work with me people!), and best of all - movie spring!!!

After a bleak January of arthouse films with strong messages/themes/social importance, all the movies that aren't quite good enough to be summer tent pole films will soon hit theatres - and that, my friends, is B heaven!!

Walk through the thaw with me here:

Bruce Campbell's film about Bruce Campbell being mistaken for his B counterpart, Ash, by a small town who begs him to save them from a monster. Good Bruce, bad Bruce - I'm the one with the gun. It's so money, baby!!!

GHOSTRIDER - February 16
A flaming skeleton that rides a flaming motorcycle - *up buildings*, people. Okay, yes, Nicholas Cage is a shmuck and wayyyyy too old for this part, but to quote Andy, we can at least imagine it hurts when his head flames. Double bang for my buck!

RENO 911!: MIAMI - February 23
Hell yes!! The Reno Nevada Sherriff's Department take their gong show on the road. Expect plum-smugglers and wildly inappropriate humor!

300 - March 9
The 300 Spartans - with demons. Major suckage potential here - but could also kick total ass.

I'm so stoked about April, I'm not sure I can deal with it. It starts off with Tarantino and Rodriguez's double feature - Kurt Russell KILLS CHEERLEADERS WITH HIS CAR. And Rose McGowan has a MACHINE GUN FOR A LEG. I haven't been this excited since SNAKES ON A PLANE. (the sad thing is, I am dead serious.)

HOT FUZZ - April 13
Finally, another film from Simon Pegg and Edgar Wright of SHAUN OF THE DEAD fame. This time, they take on the cop genre. Can you describe the swan?

Vikings duke it out with the First Nations in a major case of culture shock. They had me at Vikings. Yay, carnage and hairy men!!

And when we hit summer proper, the real hits come out. A-list, but still worthy of anticipation. SPIDERMAN 3 is a no brainer May 4. The zombies are back in shuffling hordes for 28 WEEKS LATER on May 11. This one has dubious stamped on it, but still, I love exploding corpses, so you know I'll have to check it out.

And last but not least, Canada's very own zombi-riffic flick, FIDO comes out June 15. I've been waiting for this puppy (pun is sooo intended) for a while. The early reviews are good, so fingers crossed!

Whenever I feel down this winter, I just think about all the kickass films headed my way, and everything is once again right in the exploding-corpse, machine-gun-leg, carnage-and-hairy-men, suspect-swan, exploding-narwhale, flaming-head world.